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Love Thy Extraterrestrial Neighbor
The burgeoning field of astrobiology and what it tells us about the meaning of life.
What Christians Miss When They Dismiss Imagination
Understanding God and our world needs more than bare reason and experience.
Two Towns’ Eureka Moments
How a fishing village and an old lumber station are revealing mysteries about the galaxy and ancient Jewish worship.
From Marijuana to Magic Mushrooms: Weighing Drugs’ Benefits and Detriments
Neuroscientist William Struthers encourages wisdom as a flurry of drugs move from taboo to enrichment.
In Defense of Virtual Church
Douglas Estes, author of SimChurch, responds to critics of online churches.
Moonshot: What Barth, Tillich, and Tozer Thought of the Space Age
CT’s 1958 interview provides some bearing on today's missions to the sun, Mars and beyond.
Why We Keep Asking about the Christmas Star
This week’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction represents one of dozens of theories trying to explain the sign that pointed Magi to Jesus.
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