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A Major New Study Asks: How Does Church Affect Marital Health?
A recent report suggests that highly religious couples have better relationships and better sex. Domestic violence, however, is the same for them as their less religious neighbors.
Webinar Series: Preaching Through Disruption
Ideas and encouragement to adapt your craft, care for your soul, and shepherd your people during this challenging season.
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Relational, Rhythmic Faith
Daily worship and intercessory prayer inspire the Community of the Holy Cross.
John Richards: Here is Why, as a Pro-Life Black Man, I'm Voting for Biden
Speaking for those "who have questioned [the] continued, uncritical support of President Trump over the past four years."
Preaching on The Revelation of Jesus Christ
An overview of the historical background and theology of Revelation to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
Religious Land Use & The Church: A Virtual Roundtable
What your church needs to know about an often overlooked law.
Bible Apps Are the New Printing Press
How evangelical computer programmers changed the way we read Scripture.
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