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Philippines: Lost in the 'Promised Land'
Hundreds die in Philippines dump tragedy, but churches move quickly to care for the orphaned and injured.
Finding Homes for the Lost Boys
They've seen their parents shot, their villages burned, and their homeland recede in the distance as they escaped. Now these Sudanese youth build a new life in suburban Seattle
A Case Study of Small-Group Accountability
How the Samson Society is helping men escape from the trap of sexual addiction
Prepacked Communion Takes Off
Racial Reconciliation Steps Proceed Slowly for NRB
New ERA: Bennett to Use Insanity Defense at Trial
Bennett Indicted on 82 Counts
Candidates Court Family Values Vote
Will evangelicals tip the scales in the presidential race?
Bittersweet Cuban Memories
Bringing Up Babies
It takes a church to raise the McCaugheys' septuplets.
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