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The Dead White Poet You Need in Your Life
Why 17th-century poet George Herbert is making a comeback.
Saying Goodbye for Good
How to bid farewell as though our bodies mattered.
Urgent Care: Homosexuality
Minister with grace and love to LGBT people.
When I Was a Child I Read Books
A new collection of essays from Marilynne Robinson.
Why Can't Men Be Friends?
Men and women alike increasingly say they are lonely. It doesn't have to be this way.
Grace Redefined
The disruptive Christ-event.
Preaching to the Washed and Waiting
How can pastors speak to the complex issue of homosexuality? An Interview with Dr. Wesley Hill
Kevin Vanhoozer, Drama King
The theologian's career has been about helping Christians play their part in the great divine story.
Remember the Future
Advent reminds us we've already seen it.
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