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Urgent Care: Suicide
Urgent Care: Suicide
Urgent Care: Pornography & Sexual Addiction
Use these articles to recognize the emotional wounds that make someone especially vulnerable to sexual sin. Study how to reclaim sex for its intended purpose. Consider a special ministry to the spouse of someone trapped in pornography and sexual addiction. Finally, address sexual addiction through small groups and from your church's pulpit.
Urgent Care: Divorce
Equip your leaders to minister to those for whom divorce is inevitable or has already occurred.
Urgent Care: Domestic Violence
Equip your church to minister to those who suffer from domestic violence.
Urgent Care: Homosexuality
Minister with grace and love to LGBT people.
Urgent Care: Preventing Suicide
Ministry to those in despair requires practical skills and the right attitudes.
Urgent Care: Substance Abuse
Equip your leaders to reach out to men and women suffering from addictions.
Urgent Care: Marriage in Crisis
Succinct and practical resources to help a leader minister through marital crisis.
Ministry in the Wake of the UCC Shooting
As our community reels from a brutal tragedy, we’re learning to lean on Jesus and each other.
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