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Effective Hospital Visits
Look carefully for the primary condition: fear, fatigue, or ...
Life Before Winter
The vital ministry in assisted living facilities and funeral homes.
Leader's Insight: A Halftime Calling for Ordinary Folks
And more gleanings from Gordon's journals.
Leader's Insight: Expanding Your Bandwidth
When am I too old for effective ministry across the generations?
Leader's Insight: Redefining Heroes
Gordon MacDonald on the elderly, his recent trip to South Korea, and becoming a foot-washer.
Can Your Church Leadership Represent Every Generation?
Here are five things to keep in mind while building a team that spans from young to old.
Digital Tools for Shepherding Seniors
Why you should bring your laptop on your next pastoral care visit.
An Evening to Remember
What the Graham team continues to communicate with or without words
Hearing the Boom
Can churches offer more to the retiring seniors in our midst?
Pastor Visitation
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