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Ministry To Senior Adults
How to reach out to this growing demographic
We Need the Wisdom of Seasoned Leaders
How my life was changed by a woman twice my age
Young and Old Can Still Worship Jesus Together
A healthy inter-generational church is one of the few places where young and old can come together and learn from each other.
Grandma Went to Woodstock: 5 Principles for Pastoring a Vibrant Older Congregation
The generation that grew up on Led Zeppelin will affect our churches differently than those who listened to Lawrence Welk.
The Most Important Lesson Older and Younger Ministers Can Learn from Each Other
If I had one chance to tell younger and older ministers how to treat each other, here's what I'd say.
A Place for Death in the Life of the Church
What does faithful ministry look like in a church that sees more funerals than baptisms?
Leith Anderson Has Bright Hopes for the Next Decade of Ministry
The next 10 years will be challenging—but don’t believe the worrywarts.
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