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Renewing Older Churches
If your church is over 40, you'll need a plan to stay fit.
The Magical History Tour
Tired of the usual staff meetings, we took our leadership retreat on the road—to see John Wesley.
Uncovering My Church's Ku Klux Klan Connections
Our congregation had no future without repenting of our past.
Mother of Invention
Aimee Semple McPherson's Angelus Temple is full once again, as Matthew Barnett takes up her pulpit and two of her passions.
Ancient Voices
Why I prefer wisdom from the elders rather than the youngers.
How Would Jesus Pastor?
The unpredictable Charles Sheldon gave it a try.
Good Marginal Thinking
The heroes of church history began as reflective Christians who doubted what everyone else took for granted.
People of the Book
God's people are distinguished by one thing; my job is to teach it.
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