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Streamlining Church Programming
Eliminate complexity in your church's ministry so that you can focus your efforts on what you do best.
Cultivating Long-Term Volunteers
Develop and train volunteers who stick with your ministry.
Searching for a New Pastor
Learn from the successes and failures other churches experienced as they sought a new pastor.
Candidating for Your Next Position
Make sure the next place is the right place.
Secrets of Recruiting and Keeping Volunteers
Discover useful approaches for one of a church leader's hardest tasks: finding and keeping volunteers.
Volunteer Development
Make sure your volunteers get the training they need.
Leadership Transitions
Make transition a positive for your church.
Caring for Church Workers
Make sure your staff and volunteers are supported.
Recruiting & Staffing
Develop an effective strategy for finding the key people you need on staff and volunteer teams.
'What's Wrong with a Hug?'
When a child in our church complained about an adult volunteer's physical affection, we faced a difficult decision.
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