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How to Get Out of Hipsterville
Image: Luca Sartoni / Flickr.com

How to Get Out of Hipsterville

The value of knowing neighbors who don't drink the same coffee.

Growing up, one of my favorite verses was the one in Galatians that proclaimed, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." I loved its ...

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Rick Dalbey

September 16, 2013  12:21am

I grew up in the SF Bay Area. My hipster friends in the 70s were computer programmers for corporations who worked at night and could afford the best marijuana and lived in cool houses. The 80s and 90s blossomed with wealthy hipsters. I saw friends make it big in fashion, music, retailing and the digital industry. The most disarming thing to a hipster is to find someone who is truly in love with Jesus. Perhaps someone like themselves. Someone who believes in the power of prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit. That is the way you minister to hipsters, they are desperate for reality. God loves hipsters.

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Grady Walton

September 13, 2013  1:19pm

If you want to escape hipsterville, move to Deer Park, WA. But seriously, as a lifelong resident of Northern California, I’d like to share an observation: There has always been a version of the hipster class in California. Hipsterness is cool in some ways, but not others. For instance, the non-hipsters (which often includes the elderly, the less formally educated, or less cosmopolitan) frequently get left behind in the gentrification of their communities. Even the church seems to attract mostly hipsters these days. And yet, some of the most interesting, genuine, and informative people I know would not qualify as an official hipster. Go figure!

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