December 2013

Favorite Books of 2013What were your favorite books of 2013?

Books lists are coming out. The New York Times has announced their editors' favorites. President Obama has been shopping for books. I'm on my way to the bookstore later this afternoon, with a list that includes The Boxcar Children, Pippi Longstocking, and the first in the Ivy ...

The Goodness of Glitz at Christmastime"Hey guys, what do you feel like when it is dark?" "I can't see," William said. "Frightened," said Penny...

We started our Advent calendars on Sunday. Penny read the opening poem from our devotion/sticker Advent book:

There is a star in Bethlehem, bright shining as the sun,Announcing that the Light of God shines here for everyone.Let's look upon the star this year, as God wants us ...
Where Abortion and Human Rights Meet: an interview with Bob Fu about China's one-child policy"Forced abortion means it is never a 'choice' for women in China," says activist Bob Fu, author of God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom in an interview about the government's one-child policy.

I appreciated Bob Fu's story, as recounted in God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom, for a number of reasons, including the glimpse at recent Chinese history and the story of an unlikely conversion to Christianity. But I was most struck ...

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