"There’s a demand. It’s an unapologetic demand generated by people who don’t think too much about the consequences of their choices. It’s evil and a heinous crime. But sometimes it’s inconvenient to dig deeper."

—Anu George Canjanathoppil, IJM Canada

While conspiracy theories continue to make actual justice work harder for many organizations, Anu joins the Better Samaritan to clarify the real situation: trafficking flourishes in countries where the public justice system does not work for the poor… where the perpetrator has no fear whatsoever of the implications of his crime.

40.3 million people around the world are trapped in slavery, and conservative estimates are that one third of these—around 11.3M—are from the region where Anu grew up, in South Asia.

Join this gripping conversation with a leader whose work has resulted in the rescue of 10,000 individuals from forced labour slavery.


Experts told CT this was an issue back in July 2020.

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"On Being a Good Neighbor", sermon draft by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This episode produced by Laura Finch

Theme Song “Turning Over Tables” by The Brilliance

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The Humanitarian Disaster Institute (HDI) equips volunteers and professionals ministering to victims of war, trauma and trafficking. Join us on Thursday, March 11, 2021 for a free online eventon assessing and addressing five core emotional, spiritual, and practical needs that HDI has identified as critical in the wake of trauma.