Books: Interviews

Q&A: Madeleine Albright
The former secretary of state for the Clinton administration recently published The Mighty & the Almighty: Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs
Guys and Dads
Elephants in puberty are like men without fathers, says Donald Miller.
A Soul Man Testifies
Gospel music led this skeptical author to faith.
Christianity's Cultural Contributions
What has Christianity ever done for us? Quite a lot, actually.
Crunchy Time
Rod Dreher says that conservative man cannot live by the free market alone.
Kiss and Tell the Gospel
Michael Penn explains what the early church meant by the "holy kiss."
Grace as a License for Sin
Why obedience isn't just for legalists.
Spiritual Formation for Dummies
Many people want more than knowledge about God—they want transformation, says Adele Ahlberg Calhoun. But they don't know where to start.
When the Mountains Don't Move
Professor learns hard lessons in the school of prayer.
Interview with a Penitent
How Anne Rice moved from fascination with vampires to renewed faith in Christ.
The Problem with Evangelical Theologies
Ben Witherington III thinks there is something fundamentally weak about each branch of the movement.
Evangelicals in a Secular Society
Ted Haggard says Galatians bars us from using the law to create a Christian nation.
Squeezing the Reader's Heart
Ted Dekker sees himself as a reverse missionary.
Not a Hallmark Bible
Richard Foster and Dallas Willard on the newly  published Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible.
From Disgrace to Sage
Jonathan Aitken says having gone from political power to prison helped him write his extensive biography of Charles Colson.
The Orthodox Avant-Garde
Armed with traditional faith, these Christians subverted the establishment, putting secular ideas under the microscope of the eternal.
Dennis Bakke's Ode to Joy
The outrageous way in which an energy giant's CEO had fun at work.
The Rise of the Evangelicals
Evangelicalism was once a tiny reform movement, one that was amazingly successful, says Mark Noll.
Faith and Fighting
Author Stephen Mansfield says religious belief is critical to the soldier.
Dick Staub on the Star Wars Myth
Lucas's stories may have more in common with Hinduism than Christianity, but it's still True Myth, says the author of Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Masters.

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Reality Is Now a Diss Track
Reality Is Now a Diss Track
Drake and Kendrick Lamar’s rivalry reveals our craving for controversy—and what’s lost when community is based on shared hatred, not love.

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