Book Reviews

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Book Title (Most Recent)AuthorRating
Gonzalez, Justo L.4 Stars - Excellent
Dalfonzo, Gina4 Stars - Excellent
Ruden, Sarah5 Stars - Masterpiece
Treloar, Geoffrey R.3½ Stars - Good
The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us
The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us
Feiler, Bruce2 Stars - Fair
Amstutz, Mark R.3 Stars - Good
12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
Reinke, Tony3 Stars - Good
Peterson, Amy4½ Stars - Excellent
Wendell Berry and the Given Life
Wendell Berry and the Given Life
Sutterfield, Ragan5 Stars - Masterpiece
Bovy, Phoebe Maltz4 Stars - Excellent
Smith, Gordon, T.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Freitas, Donna4 Stars - Excellent
Kingsley, Patrick5 Stars - Masterpiece
Nouwen, Henri J. M.not rated  
Krattenmaker, Tom4 Stars - Excellent
Nussbaum, Abraham N.4½ Stars - Excellent
Fitch, David E.4 Stars - Excellent
Harpur, James4 Stars - Excellent
Warren, Tish Harrison4 Stars - Excellent
Bowler, Gerry4 Stars - Excellent
Kirkpatrick, Melanie2 Stars - Fair
Leithart, Peter J.not rated  
Snyder, Timothy4 Stars - Excellent
Stowe, David W.4 Stars - Excellent
Culture of Death: The Age of Do Harm Medicine
Culture of Death: The Age of “Do Harm” Medicine
Smith, Wesley J.2½ Stars - Fair

Top Story June 18, 2024

Sacred Tattoos Promise Spiritual Power. Can New Thai Christians Keep Them?
Sacred Tattoos Promise Spiritual Power. Can New Thai Christians Keep Them?
Pastors counsel believers with sak yant tattoos to let go of animistic beliefs and trust in God’s provision.

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