Politics+Current Affairs

Pro-lifers' New Legal Nightmare
The shooting of two abortionists provided the political cover for an insidious attempt to silence all but the bravest pro-lifers.
Behind South Africa's Miracle
Freedom could not have been won without the faithful efforts of the church.
Networking for Peace
Abortion and the Failure of Democracy
Mixing Politics and Piety
Christian talk radio's high-wireless act is soaring. But without strong accountability structures, it could lose its balance.
Sexuality Draft Draws Criticism
CRC Vote Overturns Women's Ordination
Prominent Iranian Church Leaders Slain
Global Praise Event Draws 12 Million Believers
A Russian Call to Repentance
Alesksandr Solzhenitsyn returns from exile to point a way out of the Soviet quagmire.
German Reunification: One-Way Street?
Germans find reconciliation is harder than reunification.
The Upside of Pessimism
What Jonathan Edwards Can Teach Us About Politics
Before Jerry Falwell and Jesse Jackson, another preacher ventured into the public square.
Confronting Canada's Secular Slide
Why Canadian evangelicals thrive in a culture often indifferent to religious faith.
Healing Our Mean Streets
Viable solutions to violent crime emerge when people take the risk of personal involvement.
Pope Reaffirms Ban on Women Priests

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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