Church Life+Ministry

Teaching a Calvinist to Dance
In Pentecostal worship, my Reformed theology finds its groove.
Willow Creek's 'Huge Shift'
Influential megachurch moves away from seeker-sensitive services.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed (Conclusion)
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
Corporate-Sponsored Terror
Wives of slain missionaries sue Chiquita for complicity in the murders.
Suing for Reconciliation
Struggling congregation alleges the denomination sold its sanctuary unlawfully.
Myanmar Cyclone Aid Caught in Red Tape
Military junta limiting ability of relief groups to deliver and distribute food, medicine, shelter.
The China Paradox
Hungry for Jesus
A Chinese pastor on how he was 'called out of Egypt' to a thriving urban ministry.
Great Leap Forward
China is changing and so is its church. How new urban believers are shaping society in untold ways.
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
Why 'Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier' is somewhere between heresy and idolatry.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
Jeremiah Wright, Evangelicals' Brother in Christ
Go ahead and disagree with Obama's pastor. But remember: He's family.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed, Part 3
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
A Deeper Relevance
Why many evangelicals are attracted to that strange thing called liturgy.
How Public Is the Gospel?
N. T. Wright's latest book renews debate over evangelism and good works.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young, Restless Reformed
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
Methodists Vote To Retain Policies on Homosexuality
But some international delegates oppose denomination's anti-homophobia push.
Emergent's New Christians and the Young and Restless Reformed
Tony Jones and Collin Hansen find connections as they discuss each other's books and movements.
The Poverty of Love
The desert fathers and mothers would know instantly why our gospel is too small.
Are the Quakers Going Pagan?
The liberal end of the Society of Friends has long had members who denied God's existence or Jesus' divinity. Now hundreds of pagans call Quakerism home.

Top Story May 7, 2024

SBC Membership Falls to 47-Year Low, But Church Involvement Is Up
SBC Membership Falls to 47-Year Low, But Church Involvement Is Up
Amid the continued declines, Southern Baptists are celebrating back-to-back years of growth in worship attendance and baptism.

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