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Racing with Jesus
Ministry on the NASCAR tracks.
Nobel Laureate Solzhenitsyn Dies of Heart Failure
Read CT's 1994 account of Russian author's return from exile.
Common Word Conference: Conclusions and Consequences
Evangelical speakers underscore Christian message.
Archbishop Affirms Ban on Gay Bishops, Same-sex Unions
As historic Lambeth closes, Williams admits communion remains in 'grave peril.'
The Chaplain's Tension
Racing for Jesus
How God-fearing drivers and a national ministry bring faith to NASCAR.
Parenting a Lead Factor in Income Inequality
God's economically successful plan for the family.
Economic Perspective
How bad is the current crisis?
Orombi: Archbishop of Canterbury has 'betrayed' Anglicanism
Global South leader's accusation to run in London Times on Friday.
Prince Ghazi: Are Western Muslims under the Threat of Genocide?
Forgiveness, divine love, and genocide discussed on the first full day of the "Loving God and Neighbor" conference at Yale.
John Kerry: 'Love One Another or Die'
In conference opener, Massachusetts Senator tells Christian and Muslim leaders they are on 'the right side of the debate.'
Rowan Williams: We're Threatening Death, Not Life
At Lambeth, Archbishop of Canterbury issues "two appeals for generosity."
No Hope of a Solution at Lambeth, conservative bishop says
Bishop of Egypt expected today to debate over biblical authority, human sexuality.
Evangelicals by Region
McCain's Evangelical Moment?
Dobson Might Endorse McCain
The New Shape of Anglicanism?
Leaders of 1,300 Anglican/Episcopal churches seek status as new North American Province.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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