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Banking on God Alone: Why I Won't Be Freezing My Eggs
Confronting the barrenness of prolonged singleness amid an uncertain relational future.
Is It a Sin to Look Your Age?
How 'old is cold' stifles true beauty.
Scared to Death of Death: Facing More Than Gramma's Mortality
When my family moved my grandma cross-country to a nearby nursing home, I had no idea she would bring with her a reminder of irrevocable loss.
A Senior Moment
The elderly population is steadily growing and will be for years. How some ministries are embracing the challenge.
Billy Graham: Death's Destination
An excerpt from the evangelist's 'Nearing Home.'
Holy Hot Flashes! A Spiritual Take on Menopause
How the mysterious life stage changes a woman's capacity to nurture others.
When a Midlife Crisis Becomes Serious
And how the church can turn midlife into prime time for the entire community.
A Christian Woman's Midlife Crisis
With the guidance of older, wiser mentors, women can face the existential angst of midlife hoping for a new identity in Christ, one stripped of status and comfort.
Our Small Group
Q & A: Billy Graham on Aging, Regrets, and Evangelicals
The evangelist says he "sometimes crossed the line" in politics, "old age can be a lonely time," and warns evangelicals of being "victims of our own success."
Blessed Are Those with Alzheimer's
Discovering God'ndashs image in a nursing home called "The Beatitudes."
Stay Young! Live Longer!
That's not just a silly promise of our culture.
Chasing Methuselah
Exercise, technology, and diet help us live longer than ever. Should those who look to eternal life care?
Welcoming Limits
When the 'beginner years' have passed, what does spiritual maturity look like?
Always Dying, Always Reborn
Exploring the new horizons—and limits—of our perpetual chase for immortality.
A Course in Dying 101
What Christians can teach our death-denying culture.
Midlife Matters: An Interview with Dale Hanson Bourke
Women who no longer have kids at home should seek new ministry ventures, says the longtime journalist and president of the Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia Foundation.
A Theology of Jiggly Thighs
What a graying supermodel can teach Jesus' female followers.
The God Who Became Blood
What my dysfunctional prostate taught me about Jesus.
Is Cosmetic Surgery Immoral?
Even more importantly: Why do you want to know?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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