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As dificuldades que os homens enfrentam são problemas de todos
Desde estudos e trabalho a paternidade e amizades, precisamos de uma visão de masculinidade que ambos os sexos possam aplaudir.
Basketball Is a Beautiful Game, but Not a Blueprint for Society
Treating the sport as a comprehensive social and political model misunderstands the vision of its Christian founder.
A metáfora bíblica do casamento nada tem a ver com sexualidade
Podemos ter uma visão correta de Deus como marido e como Pai sem divinizar a sexualidade masculina.
The Bible’s Marriage Metaphor Doesn’t Belong In the Bedroom
We can rightly look to God as husband and God as Father without making male sexuality divine.
India Prefers Baby Boys. Are Its Christians Any Different?
For most, daughters are “expenditures”; sons are “investments.” Leaders from across the country weigh in.
Let’s Rethink the Evangelical Gender Wars
Maybe the lines of division between egalitarians and complementarians were in the wrong places.
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
Is God a Woman or a Man?
Two recent books discuss how our conception of gender relates to our perception of God.
The Relatable Zeal of Puritan Women
They were extremely into religion without being extreme.
5 Books on Women in the Global Church
Chosen by Gina Zurlo, author of “Global Christianity: A Guide to the World’s Largest Religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.”
Jesus liberta homens e mulheres para perguntarem ‘como posso servir’, e não ‘quem está na liderança’
Nossa visão dos papéis e das relações de gênero deve começar pelo padrão de humildade de Cristo.
Christian Colleges Look for ‘Missing Men’
Faced with overall enrollment declines, schools are working to close higher education’s gender gap.
Save the Girl: India’s Christians Lead Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs on Ending Gendercide
With 9 million girls “missing” due to sex-selective abortions over the past two decades, Pew report examines changes in “son preference” or “daughter aversion” among India’s biggest faiths.
Jesus Frees Men and Women to Ask ‘How Can I Serve?’ Not ‘Who’s in Charge?’
Our view of gender roles and relations should begin with Christ’s pattern of humility.
With Gen Z, Women Are No Longer More Religious than Men
Younger generations see female nones on the rise.
South Carolina Protects Doctors Who Decline Procedures on Religious Grounds
It's the third state to give medical professionals legal backing for refusing to perform treatments such as gender transition.
Evangelicals Can Agree: We’re Women, not ‘Bodies with Vaginas’
To verbally dismember women is denigration, not inclusion.
La definición de ‘mujer’ inicia con su humanidad, no con su feminidad
El debate sobre el «segundo sexo» nos devuelve a la biología, la humildad y Génesis 1.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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