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PBS: Pundits on Belief Speech
Religion and Ethics Newsweekly rounds up scholars on Romney's address.
Romney's Speech Strengthens Theologian's Endorsement
Wayne Grudem believes evangelicals should promote religious liberty by being willing to vote for candidates who have different beliefs.
Romney Dodges Doctrine
But questions about candidate's Mormon beliefs may continue.
What Evangelicals Heard in Romney's 'Faith in America' Speech
What the candidate said will largely be welcomed. But questions remain about what wasn't.
Huckabee on why his poll numbers are surging
"There's only one explanation for it, and it's not a human one."
Hillary at Saddleback
Response varies from deep concern to standing ovation
Anyone Want to Talk About Health Care?
It’s time for Christian leaders to tackle the issue.
Foreign Policy Trumps Abortion for Many Evangelical Voters
Is Pat Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani all that surprising?
Huckabee Tops Poll of Evangelical Leaders
NAE survey shows Giuliani and Fred Thompson tied for a distant second.
Q&A: Sam Brownback
The Republican senator said he could offer a promising package to evangelical voters.
Faith-Talk Surprise
Presidential candidates deviate from the usual religious scripts.
Bauer gives peek inside the Arlington Group
"Many of us are intrigued and excited by Thompson, but we have great concerns about his advocacy of federalism"
President Huckabee?
Trends may favor the Arkansas governor.
Promises, Promises
When will the Democrats start pandering to prolifers again?
Promises, Promises
How to really build a 'great society.'
Hillary Clinton's Faith
Another Methodist in the White House?
The God Debates of '08
Plus: More tragedy for Iraq Christians, another blow to Iowa's faith-based prison program, America's new pilgrimage points, and other stories from online sources around the world.
The Giuliani Choice
Conservative leaders doubt his support among evangelicals will last.
Mitt's Mormonism and the 'Evangelical Vote'
Can conservative Protestants vote for a member of what they consider a cult?
Pro-choice Giuliani
Enough waffling for the 9/11 hero, he's for abortion rights.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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