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N.T. Wright: Anglican Report Is 'Fireproofing the House'
Top theologian on Lambeth Commission talks about what happened behind the scenes, whether the report should have been tougher, and why it's critical of some conservative bishops.
Africa's Anglican Bishops' Conference Begins Tuesday
Homosexuality and women ordination tops agenda.
Episcopal Church Officially Promotes Idol Worship
Women's Eucharist calls for worship of pagan deities specifically condemned in Scripture.
Beyond the Episcopal Church's Pagan Eucharist
Plus: Bush speaks about his religion (and that of others), TBN cancels Praise-a-thon, and many other stories from online sources around the world.
Episcopal Women's Ministries Responds to CT as Africans Respond to Windsor Report
In both cases, the question is what constitutes another religion.
So, Who Owns the Sanctuary?
Dissenting mainline churches struggle to retain their property.
Truth' on Two Hills
What happens when church and culture conspire to ignore the meaning of words.
A Slow Exodus
Disaffected orthodox Episcopalians start new ministries.
Network for the Alienated
Episcopal conservatives seek to reclaim wayward church.
Nigeria's Anglican Leader Refuses to Attend Meeting with Episcopal Head
Plus: Not all evangelicals are gung-ho on a federal marriage amendment.
Orthodox U.S. Anglicans Plan to 'Reclaim the Episcopal Church' Through New Network
Plus: More than $1.5 billion served to Salvation Army, Kenya's churches offer alternative constitution, and other stories from online sources around the world.
A Revolution in Religion, Too
The Revolutionary War changed American Christianity, and it still sparks debate today.
Episcopal Bishop Joins Others on Road to Rome
Episcopal Bishops Divided Over Sexuality
Sexuality Draft Draws Criticism
The Episcopal Church Elects a New Presiding Bishop

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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