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Wafat: Jürgen Moltmann, Teolog Pengharapan
Seorang tentara Jerman yang dijumpai Kristus di kamp tawanan perang, kemudian ia menjadi seorang cendekiawan Kristen terkenal yang mengajarkan bahwa “Tuhan menangis bersama kita agar suatu hari nanti kita dapat tertawa bersama-Nya.”
逝世:盼望神学家于尔根·莫特曼(Jürgen Moltmann)
Parcours de vie : Jürgen Moltmann, théologien de l’espérance
« Dieu pleure avec nous pour que nous puissions un jour rire avec lui. » C’est dans un camp de prisonniers que Christ avait rencontré ce célèbre théologien en devenir.
Falleció Jürgen Moltmann, teólogo de la esperanza
Un soldado alemán encontrado por Cristo en un campo de prisioneros de guerra se convirtió en el renombrado erudito cristiano que enseñó que «Dios llora con nosotros para que algún día podamos reír con Él».
Morre Jürgen Moltmann, o teólogo da esperança
Após se converter a Cristo em um campo de prisioneiros de guerra, ele tornou-se um renomado estudioso cristão e ensinou que “Deus chora conosco para que um dia possamos rir com ele”.
逝世:盼望神學家于爾根·莫特曼(Jürgen Moltmann)
Died: Jürgen Moltmann, Theologian of Hope
A German soldier found by Christ in a prisoner of war camp, he became a renowned Christian scholar who taught that “God weeps with us so that we may someday laugh with him.”
Macetando o Apocalipse ou o testemunho cristão?
À medida que as igrejas evangélicas continuam a se multiplicar, os líderes pedem bom senso sobre quando e como testemunhar.
Was Carnival Rapture Warning Courageous or Inappropriate? Brazil Debates Eschatology
After pop star’s surprise witness ends with a bang, evangelical leaders discuss whether to axe apocalypse talk as ineffective evangelism.
The True Master of the Elements
Netflix’s live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender speaks to a longing C.S. Lewis described—and can remind us of our promises in Christ.
A natureza criada aguarda, com grande expectativa...
...que os cristãos levem a sério as mudanças climáticas. E na COP28, irmãos cristãos aguardaram o mesmo.
Creation Waits in Eager Expectation
… for American Christians to take climate change seriously. At the COP28 climate summit, fellow Christians wait too.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 82|58min
N.T. Wright on the Bible’s Most Misunderstood Verse
The author and theologian dives deep into the heart of Romans.
L’étonnante persistance culturelle du dispensationalisme
En tant qu’école théologique, cette approche est en déclin. En tant que force culturelle et politique, elle est plus influente que jamais.
L’histoire méconnue de l’évolution des évangéliques à propos d’Israël
Les réponses des responsables évangéliques à la nouvelle guerre entre Israël et le Hamas se construisent depuis 50 ans.
The Little-Known History of Evangelicals’ Changing Israel Views
Responses by Christian leaders to today’s war in the Holy Land are 50 years in the making.
Conspiracist Thinking Is Cultural Marxism
Marx’s view of history powerfully shaped how we think about time and power, but it’s not the Bible’s view.
O surpreendente poder de subsistência do dispensacionalismo
Como doutrina teológica, ele está em declínio. Como força cultural e política, está mais influente do que nunca.
The Surprising Staying Power of Dispensationalism
As a school of theology, it’s in decline. As a cultural and political force, it’s more influential than ever.
Left Behind at the Ballot Box
Our view of the end times should affect our politics. But how?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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