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Health Care Cacophony
Plus: D.C. debates gay marriage, President Obama approves a new hate crimes law, and other issues advocacy groups were talking about this week.
Health Care Reform Splits Democrats on Abortion
Pro-life Democrats disagree over whether bills include federal funding for abortion.
Speak Out Publicly
The pro-life movement needs people who are willing to speak out in the public square.
A Czar, a Cross, and Prayer Chain for Liberals
Conservative groups take aim at safe schools 'czar' Kevin Jennings. The Supreme Court considers the fate of a cross in the Mojave Desert. And all while Congress continues to work on health care.
The Baucus Ruckus
This week the debate over health care reform moved from broad platitudes to specifics on abortion funding and abstinence education.
Where the Health Care Debate Lies
Introducing our new feature rounding up what evangelical political groups talked about this week.
Health Care: What Would Jesus Do?
The Health Care Debate, Early Church Style
Early Christians focused on of the sacredness of individuals, not demons, says historian Gary Ferngren.
Faith-based Mutual Insurers Worry about Health Care Reform
Ministries hope the end result doesn’t put them out of business.
We Need Health-Care Reform
And the real question is who gets to decide who gets attention.
Women Benefit from Health-Care Overhaul
The failing industry says it will stop charging women at higher premium rates than it charges men.
Blessed Insurance
Many pastors lack access to adequate health benefits.
The Health Care Crunch
Let's make sure any reform plan we pursue avoids the single-value syndrome.
No Sick Child Left Behind
Southern Baptist leader says it's about time all U.S. children had health insurance.
Jesus, M.D.
Two authors assail our approach to health care and offer a church-based vision for understanding medicine.
Health Care, Everyone?
Massachusetts makes medical insurance accessible to all—or else.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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