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3 Ways I’ve Learned to Support China’s Christians Better as an American Pastor
Don’t let political rivalry define our perspectives of each other.
Indian Christians Relieved as Election Results Limit Hindu Nationalists
With Modi’s BJP denied an outright majority in parliament, church leaders credit prayer movements and hope the restoration of coalition politics will protect religious minorities.
This Is the Way: How the Dao Helps Chinese People Understand Christ
Ancient philosopher Zhuangzi’s teachings can be a means of evangelism.
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.
«Я знав, що мені дорого обійдеться моя віра»: відсидівши сім років у китайській в’язниці, місіонер нарешті вийшов на волю
Джон Саньцян Цао розповідає, як переписані вручну біблійні вірші, молитва та любов матері підтримували його під час ув’язнення.
«Я знал, что мне дорого обойдется моя вера»: отсидев семь лет в китайской тюрьме, миссионер наконец-то вышел на свободу
Джон Саньцян Цао рассказывает, как переписанные вручную библейские стихи, молитва и любовь матери поддерживали его во время заключения.
Can You Serve Christ and Confucius?
Asian Christians must navigate ethical dilemmas in everyday life. This recent book can help.
La mer sert Dieu auprès des pauvres
Selon un théologien indonésien, aider les écosystèmes marins à s’épanouir, c’est prendre part à l’œuvre de Dieu.
Christian Women in India Lack Inheritance Rights. Could Hindu Nationalists Help?
The Uniform Civil Code seeks “one nation, one law” to govern citizens' personal lives, but religious minorities fear hidden costs.
‘I Knew I Would Pay a Price for My Faith’: China Releases Missionary After Seven Years
John Sanqiang Cao shares how hand-copied Bible verses, prayers, and a mother’s love buoyed him during his imprisonment.
Died: Gospel for Asia Founder Athanasius Yohannan
The champion of “native missions” trained more than 100,000 evangelists but got in trouble for financial mismanagement.
Died: Ferdie Cabiling, Philippines’ ‘Running Pastor’
One of the founding leaders of Victory megachurch, he never stopped running to share the gospel.
The Key to Fighting Sex Trafficking? Showing Up.
Indonesia's Compassion First isn’t knocking down doors, but caring for victims and tutoring at-risk youth living in cemeteries.
Chinese Christians Have Conflicted Feelings About ‘Saving Face’
Though a significant part of their culture, not all feel like it best honors how God wants conflict dealt with.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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