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Não se entristeçam como aqueles que não têm esperança
Decisões relativas a cuidados de fim de vida são dolorosas e cada vez mais complexas. Mas é possível honrar a Deus e a nossos entes queridos, à medida que a morte se aproxima.
Kids Aren’t Cheap. That Doesn’t Fully Explain Why We’re Ambivalent About Having Them.
A new book explores why what was once a default life stage now feels like an increasingly fraught choice.
Être aimants auprès de ceux qui meurent
Les décisions concernant la fin de vie sont déchirantes et médicalement de plus en plus complexes. Comment honorer à la fois Dieu et nos proches ?
Protecting the Image of God—Especially on Death Row
A testimony from Julius Jones and the minister who led the campaign to stop his execution.
‘Lord, When Did We See You in Foster Care?’
Caring for foster children can be difficult—even devastating. It is also a revelation of the love God gives and expects of his people.
Euthanasia: Why Some Despair Unto Death
As a Christian physician, opposing medically assisted suicide wasn’t enough. I needed to understand why people decide to die.
Pro-Life Policy in a Post-Roe World
The landmark abortion ruling is dead. We have much to do to make sure babies live.
Adoption Was Beautiful, Precious, and God-Ordained. Then I Adopted.
Facile expectations hurt everyone in the process, including my new son.
Not as Those Who Have No Hope
End-of-life decisions are wrenching and ever more medically complex, but we can honor both God and our loved ones as death nears.
Morir al yo indispensable
Tal vez Jesús nos dio el mandamiento de negar las formas predeterminadas de valorarnos y medirnos a nosotros mismos.
Mourir à notre moi indispensable
Jésus nous exhorterait-il à abandonner les critères au moyen desquels nous évaluons et mesurons notre moi ?
Mati bagi Diri yang Tak Tergantikan
Mungkin kita perlu mendengar kata-kata Yesus sebagai sebuah perintah untuk menyangkal cara-cara bawaan kita dalam menilai dan mengukur diri.
Latino Evangelicals Ask DeSantis to Spare the Life of a Man on Death Row
“We believe in life at all levels and in all circumstances.”
Dying to the Indispensable Self
Perhaps we need to hear Jesus’ words as a command to deny our default ways of valuing and measuring the self.
Naming Names in the Abortion Debate
As a new “street-level” history demonstrates, you can’t tell the bigger story without telling a series of smaller, more personal stories.
Donde los no nacidos son personas
Las iglesias deben ofrecer un testimonio de la vida más allá de su «potencial».
Where the Unborn Are People
Churches are bearing better witness to life beyond its “potential.”
No todos los provida están celebrando
El profeta Jeremías nos enseña que el lamento bíblico por el aborto no es apático ni tiene aires de triunfalismo.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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