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Catalyst, Liturgy, and Innovation
What liturgical church leaders and the Catalyst Conference can learn from each other.
Here We Are to Worship
Six principles that might bring a truce to the age-old tension between tradition and popular culture.
Something Old, Something New
Combining liturgy and postmodern culture leads to fresh forms of worships in the U.K.
Discovering and Escaping Liturgy
Worship trends among the young are more complicated than you realize.
Discovering and Escaping Liturgy
Worship trends among the young are more complicated than you realize.
Return to Ritual
Three churches find new meaning in old ways.
The New Liturgy
A surprising trend takes the "worship wars" in an unexpected direction.
Chant the Minutes
Dan Kimball on Liturgy, Church Buildings, and Senior Pastors
What actually brings new people to church?
Cockroaches and the Nicene Creed
To an accompaniment of whale songs, the worshippers glory in God's creation; there's no service quite like the annual blessing of the animals at St. John the Divine.
Mutiny and Redemption
The men who seized the Bounty nearly destroyed themselves while trying to create an earthly paradise. Then one of them discovered the Bible.
Advent: Close Encounters of a Liturgical Kind
'Tis the season when even the free-ranging revivalist pulls up a chair to the table of historic liturgy.
The ABCs of LEDs
We've entered a new age of lighting technology.
A Deeper Relevance
Why many evangelicals are attracted to that strange thing called liturgy.
Stations of the Cross — Without the Cross
Episcopalian liturgy for Stations of the Millennium Development Goals truncates the gospel, critics say.
Ancient-Future People
Monastic Evangelicals
The attraction of ancient spiritual disciplines.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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