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Peace, Peace—But Is There Peace?
What Christian political groups said this week about the Nobel Prize, immigration reform, the hate crimes bill, and other issues.
The President's Speech and Parental Rights
To what extent should the government shape children's beliefs?
Saguaro Seminar Stays with Obama
Obama continually builds relationships, ideas and skills found from a Harvard seminar on social capital.
Few Red Flags Found in Sotomayor's Religion-Related Cases
President Obama's Supreme Court pick generally sided with religious freedom.
How Would a Woman Change the Supreme Court?
The better question is, what's that woman's political ideology?
Obama: A Friend to Pro-Lifers?
The President's outlined goals for reducing abortions are ones I can support—as long as he sticks to them.
Obama's Kinder, Gentler Culture War
At Notre Dame this weekend, President Obama seemed to forget the indelible pain of having an abortion.
More Giving, Less Taxing
President Obama's tax plan will hurt the very people he's trying to help.
Elizabeth Lev Defends Mom's Decision to Turn Down Notre Dame
She may be a bit biased, but her response is still spot-on.
Civil Religion's Sharper Teeth
All believers welcome, so long as they aren't religious.
Obama Uses Sermon on the Mount to Elevate Speeches
The president has used the mountainside sermon several times in recent years to explain policy.
Christians Urge Obama to Keep Conscience Clause
Today is the last day for arguments supporting medical workers' right to refuse to provide care that violates their conscience.
Will Obama Tax Plan Hurt Religious Groups?
Some say yes, others say no.
Reducing Abortion for Real
The current proposals to lower the abortion rate will only make things worse.
China's Human Rights, In the Red
President Obama should keep values at the center of American foreign policy.
Science at Its Best
President Obama wants to 'restore science to its rightful place.' So do we.
A Dream That Won't Die
The meaning of the election; the work yet to be done.
The Definition of 'I Screwed Up'
Susan Wise Bauer, author of The Art of the Public Grovel, dissects Obama's apology.
A Promising Start for Obama's Faith-Based Office
Why we are encouraged — and still have a major concern.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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