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The Spiritual Life Check-up
Discovering spiritual illness must precede the cure.
What I Wish I'd Known about Single-Adult Ministry
A veteran shares what he's learned on the job with the churche's newest specialty group.
The New Look of Women's Ministry
Curing Souls: the Forgotten Art
In the bustle of running a church, something essential has been overlooked.
On Finding a Spiritual Director
A seasoned pastor seeks a guide to the interior regions of faith.
Developing an Eager Church
When you encourage initiative and equip the people, expect an energy surge.
A Time for Holy Disatisfaction
After six decades of ministry, an eminent churchman assesses the health of the body of Christ.
The Quality Church (Part 1)
Leadership begins a search for the parameters of faithfulness
Ten Conditions for Church Growth
The blossoming of a church depends on more than one kind of nutrient.
Reflecting on a Long Pastorate
Fifteen years in the sme church bring many facets -- and many rewards.
Temptations of Ministry: Improving Your Reserve
An Interview with Charles Swindoll
Work: The Silent Crisis
When making a living feels like dying, how can a pastor help?
The Scarlet "A" of the Ministry
Ambition is seductive.
Belaying—A Model For Ministry
Support Doesn't Mean that You"Climb the Mountain" for People
How To Spend A Day In Prayer
Practical advice for guidance and encouragement.
Are You a Spring or a Cistern?
Answering the question will impact your teaching.
The Ways and Means of a Country Church
The unique problems and opportunities of pastoring rural, yoked churches.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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