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The Sin of Tolerance
An example of Billy Graham's fiery preaching in the 1950s.
Three American Illusions
Graham addresses utopian ideas about peace, wealth, and democracy.
God's Revolutionary Demand
Conversion to Christ means an entirely new dimension of living.
Message and Method
Graham reveals what makes his preaching effective and speaks about the function of his crusades in church life.
The Marks of a Christian
How do you know if you're a Christian?
Facing the Anti-God Colossus
During an era of Communism and materialism, Graham urged the church to prepare.
A Tutsi's Hope
A Zairean bishop wants American Christians to remember the struggles of the church in East Africa.

Top Story April 26, 2024

Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
How groups like Hillsong learned to let go of the literal in favor of creative collaboration.

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