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Episcopal Church: Bishop to Be Punished 19 Years After Affair
Episcopal Church court may decide fate of Montana's Charles Jones next week.
Semi-Amazing Grace
Jay Bakker (yes, Jim and Tammy Faye's son) describes his continuing recovery from church-inflicted wounds.
Rock & Roll Apologetics
New and noteworthy books on the Beatles, hate, and other subjects.
Episcopal Church: No Balm in Denver
Episcopalians defer debate over same-sex blessings for another three years.
Anglicans: Intercontinental Ballistic Bishops?
Maverick conservatives gain a toehold among Episcopalians.
Popular Culture:The Clay Cries Out
The Miracle Maker presents an animated, supernatural, and utterly believable Jesus.
Apologetics Journal Criticizes Jakes
Christian Research Institute publication questions preacher's view of Trinity
Mere Mormonism
Journalist Richard Ostling explores LDS culture, theology, and fans of 'crypto-Mormon' C.S. Lewis.
Popular Culture: The Film Dogma Is Anti-Dogma
After the furor, Kevin Smith's film seems flawed but oddly touching
Higher Education: Crumbling Family Values
Hillsdale College confronts a sexual scandal, suicide, and leader's resignation.
The Best TV of 1999
Dwelling in Unity?
Lutherans, Episcopalians aspire to full communion, but differences remain over role of bishops.
Two Cheers for TV
Television is stupid, sleazy, and violent. It rots the brain and turns little children into insatiable consumers. So why do we watch it?
Ecumenism: Back to the Drawing Board for Ecumenism?
Some clergy resist Lutheran-Episcopal concordat.
The Mars Hill of Television