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Missions and Ecumenism: John R. Mott
Evangelist and ecumenist
Theologian at the Organ
With his Bible and his keyboard, J. S. Bach produced musical masterpieces
Making Room for God
Two routes to divine encounters.
New & Noteworthy: Church History
Recent and important releases that will shape evangelical thought
New and Noteworthy: Theology
Recent and important releases that will shape evangelical thought
Harriet Tubman
Her faith fueled the Underground Railroad
New Media: Luther's Latest Reformation
Antony and the Desert Fathers: From the Editors - Models or Kooks?
The questions that hover in the background of this issue are as pressing as ever.
The Best There Ever Was
Modern Christian hermits still look to him for inspiration, as did the entire Middle Ages, but today we hardly know him. What did the illiterate recluse, known as Antony of the Desert, do to earn such adulation?
Wordly Monk
Jerome was a disciplined ascetic who was on top of current affairs.
Antony and the Desert Fathers: Recommended Resources
Antony and the Desert Fathers
Taking Back Mars Hill—with Grace
Alister McGrath's new apologetics appeals to the deep longings of today's seekers.
Pastor with a Past
John Newton was the "wretch" who found "Amazing Grace"
Shedding the "Stuff"
The importance of an unhindered walk with Christ.
New & Noteworthy: Biography
Sweden: Faith Without the Fireworks
The conversion of Sweden is unspectacular—and for that reason most illuminating.
A Time to Heal
What brought us to Marble Retreat, and what we came home with.
Born-again Stories
Godly Genius
Blaise Pascal's brilliance wasn't limited to his scientific discoveries.