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Three Poems
The Temple Market
SALE! This week only! Come and see!
A Leopard Among the Bannas
Mahay Choramo faced down hardship and violent opposition to the murderous nomads of Ethiopia's southern frontier.
Eliot's Rebellious Heirs
The Confessional poets as closet modernists.
Cassilly's City
Remembering the Gaudí of St. Louis.
Father of Epic Fantasy
Scores of authors have paid Tolkien the highest homage - imitation.
Tolkien Canonized
Should the creator of the Lord of the Rings be acknowledged as the foremost author of the twentieth century?
The Lord of the Rings: What Harvest?
A reader's guide to the best of epic fantasy
Thinking Second Corinthianish Thoughts
"Candide" + Wodehouse for contemporary Christian culture.
A Month of Tweeting
How the internet discovered poetic economy.
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