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Tedium + Valor
Enforcing abolition.
The Secret to City-Wide Culture Making
The qualities that have made the Richmond Christian Leadership Institute flourish in five years are key to any leadership program, anywhere.
It's Time to Talk about Power
How to recognize and use the gift that most eludes the church.
Why Apologetics Is Different—and Working—In the Hood
Detroit pastor Christopher Brooks says apologetics in urban settings must be both intellectual and 'soul-ish.'
You're Free to Toke Up. But Don't.
The legalization of pot provides an opportunity to examine Christian freedom.
Worship Leader Orientation Guide
Explore the calling of a worship leader and its practical challenges.
Not What You See on TV
Why we have hope for the church in a rapidly changing culture.
Christian Culture Is Better Than We Imagine
Let's not forget the church's long legacy of creativity and excellence.
A Generation of Debtors
A Gen-Xer reflects on the deficits bequeathed to his generation and on its fear of redemption.
Andy Crouch: A Testimony in Reverse
I have discovered how inconvenient it can be when God actually does speak.
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