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Honing Your Spirit
John Ortberg and the Pitfalls of Pastoral Discernment
When we consent to our calling as ministers of the gospel, we assent to be public imitators of all it proclaims.
Keep Calm and Reboot
The Christian disciplines of self-suspicion, forgiveness, and hope all function well. We need to restart our faith in them.
Ash Wednesday’s Imposition of Humility
The dust from whence we came and will return dirties our hearts now.
Yes, Sometimes We Can Serve Both God and Mammon
My congregation's experiment in using market values to grow our mission.
Is the Coronavirus Evil?
Or is this part of life in the world God made?
Much Ado About Nothing
When the biological appears diabolical.
Hope Beyond a Vaccine
Remember that Christian purpose has always been rooted in the not yet.
We Serve the Purposes of God, Not the Politics of Men
The lust for power and the lure of lies collapse under the weight of truth.
Post-Contemporary Worship
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