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We Can't Do Megachurch Anymore
What happens when an "attractional church" is compelled to go in a different direction?
Joy Amid the Pain
Theologian John Mark Hicks discovered the healing power of lament.
Mythical Proportions
America is not so generous, free, and innocent as it imagines itself.
Rocking the White Citadel
Book review of "The Next Evangelicalism" by Soong-Chan Rah.
Uganda: Ebola Strikes Again
Jeffrey Dahmer's Story of Faith
A prison minister who led the mass-murderer to Jesus tells the story.
The New Monk Warriors
A ministry emerged out of the Texas desert to redirect the lives of college students.
Belief Is Just the Beginning
World Vision president Richard Stearns on going "all in" for Jesus.
Uganda: Innocence Stolen
A paramilitary group in Uganda is abducting younger children to fill its ranks. Those who manage to escape are plagued with haunting memories.
Apocalypse Without the Beasts
A high school teacher finds the sacred in all the wrong places
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