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Best Christian Places to Work: Practicing What They Teach
Dallas Theological Seminary and Multnomah Bible College and Seminary share a philosophy on managing employees
SIDEBAR: Busters Online
Practice with Purpose
How had my life become this never-ending list of home- and child-related tasks and challenges that often had nothing to do with my own gifts and abilities?
Beyond "Tiger Parenting"
Carving out a distinctly Christian approach to raising our kids
Transforming Nominal Christians Assessment Pack
Evaluate your church's focus on challenging and growing its congregants.
Best Christian Places to Work: What Burnout?
The Coalition for Christian Outreach takes seriously its responsibility to care for employees
Do the Ends Justify the Beans?
An Interview With John Sage and Chris Dearnley
Help Moms Embrace God's Mission
When is it the right time to ask moms to expand their sphere of ministry beyond their family into new areas of leadership?
The Boomerang Effect
The generation of the 'silent exodus' has now started coming back.
Ministry in the Margins
Understand the role of the church in a changing culture.
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