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Kids, Dogs, and Real-World Words
Preaching that even children take to heart employs words simple and deep.
The Theology of Plan B
Finding out your back-up plan is God's first choice.
Emergency Instructions
Urgent messages must sound urgent, and other entries from Gordon's journal.
A Culture of Generosity
Creating a place where rich and poor share the same values.
Leader's Insight: Closed for Christmas
Is it the specter of consumerism or the ghost of Christmas past shuttering megachurches this December 25?
Leader's Insight: Construction Zone
Life in the slow lane may be God's intention for us after all.
Leader's Insight: Exercises in Patience
What I'm learning from airlines, C.S. Lewis, and war.
Leader's Insight: On Fords and Faithfulness
What my unreliable old car taught me about myself.
Leader's Insight: So Many Christian Infants
Why are we so good at leading people to faith and so bad at prodding them to maturity?
Leader's Insight: Yes, Ministry Leadership Is Complex
When business people offer free advice, we should say, "It's not that easy."
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