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Raising Yeshua-Followers in the West Bank
Ariella, a Messianic Jew, raises four children amid violence in the Holy Land.
My Father Was a Porn Addict
The 'Playboys' lying on the coffee table were the tip of the iceberg in our home.
Sexy 'n Spiritual Tees for Jesus
The problem with OMG Wear—and other displays of Christian fandom.
In Defense of Church Hoppers
Some Christians' spiritual baggage makes it harder to find a church home
Don't Let Women's Ministry Turn People Into Projects
The quest for mentorship to benefit us both.
The Transformative Heart of 'What Not To Wear'
The long-running TLC series is much more than a makeover show.
Following Christ into the Classroom at Midlife
How CT helped lead to my belated back-to-school adventure.
The Unfortunate Art of Female Self-Sabotage
How women inadvertently undermine their own success.
The Jewish Roots of Christian Sabbath
In a guest post, Michelle Van Loon begins to unwrap the gift of Shabbot
We Don’t Age Out of Our Sexuality
Balancing love, desire, and the demands of midlife.
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