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Ministry in the #MeToo Moment
As abuse awareness grows, pastors are searching for ways to protect the vulnerable and care for survivors.
CT Women: Our 15 Favorite Prayers
Women from across the country share words that shape their prayer lives.
Staying at Home and Fighting Boredom: A Survival Guide
Here's how CT writers have found joy in gardening, knitting, organizing, and adult coloring books.
Christianity Today’s ‘Bible Project’ Story Wins a Top Award from the Evangelical Press Association
Paul J. Pastor reported on an increasingly popular way to engage Scripture in the 21st century.
As a Mixed-Race Christian, I Used to Think Diversity Was Enough
How I came to see the value and beauty of gatherings exclusively for people of color.
Facebook and CT Got Her and Her Friends to Read the Bible More
How Chrissie Kaufmann used social media and last year’s Advent devotional to encourage her friends and help them dive deeper into scripture.
Cheer on These Christian Olympians from Around the World
Meet the women and men who make their faith a priority as they compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Indian and Chinese Cultures Favor Baby Boys. Here’s How Immigrant Churches Counsel Expectant Couples
Honor-shame dynamics color how Christians have these sensitive conversations.
Journalism, Politics or Ministry?
How CT's longtime board chair found his purpose in all.
Faces of the Pastorate: Pranitha Fielder
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
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