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No More One-Man Band
Larry Osborne and Chris Brown on the payoffs and pitfalls of transitioning to shared leadership.
A Controlled Burn
Leading change is a dangerous, consuming calling.
High Hopes
Matthew Barnett's secret is to inspire others to dream what God can do—and dream big.
Leader's Insight: The High Price of Dying (to Self)
Five questions for Dave Johnson about his "Job" season.
With One Voice
These young musicians are committed to writing modern hymns with timeless truths everyone can sing.
Dei Laborers
Rick McKinley and the Imago Dei Community are taking the whole gospel to the whole city of Portland, Oregon, even to the margins.
Salvation on the Strip
The Porn Pastor's strategy for reaching Sin City is unconventional, and what he's doing in Vegas can't stay in Vegas.
Catching Waves
Francis Chan says we should stop trying to make people love Jesus, and learn to rely on prayer, elders, and the Holy Spirit instead.
Facing Fears
Max Lucado employs preaching to overcome fear.
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