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Matt Chandler Discusses his Brain Surgery
His perspective as "a guy who could lose everything."
Ministry Lessons From a Muslim
His unexpected message to church leaders: fully embrace your Christian identity.
Church Rater or Church Hater?
Does a new church rating website help or hurt those seeking a congregation?
How Not to Talk about Justice
If you hear "social justice" at your church, Glenn Beck says "Run!" There is another option.
Q Portland: Day One
Q Portland: Day Two
Why would Portland's openly gay mayor want to speak with Christian leaders at Q?
Skye Jethani: The Megachurch Bubble (Part 2)
The challenges of facing megachurches in a post-baby boomer society.
Skye Jethani: What is Life WITH God?
An excerpt from my new book. Are we desiring God or just using him?
Has Mission Become Our Idol?
The church and its leaders desperately need a vision of a life with God and not just for him.
Blessed Redundancy
Engineering a ministry around a single leader is inherently dangerous, but what's the alternative?
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