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I'm Dreaming of a Victorian Christmas
My Brother's Keeper's SUV
Jesus and the Level 5 Leader
Five Questions for Good to Great author Jim Collins
Leader's Insight: Harry Potter and the Hogwart's VBS
How one church embraces popular culture to accomplish its evangelism mission.
Leader's Insight: The Cost of Cultural Relevance
Weekly readers respond to the Harry Potter VBS
Leader's Insight: Is Ministry Leadership Different?
Andy Stanley and Jim Collins in an unexpected point-counterpoint.
Leader's Insight: Breaking Da Vinci
A pastor's response to The Da Vinci Code phenomenon and the doubts it raises.
Leader's Insight: The Da Vinci Opportunity
Tom Hanks and pastors agree: The Da Vinci Code offers prospects for sharing the truth.
Leader's Insight: What Disillusioned 20-Somethings Want
This young, former church staffer is tired of church as we know it.
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