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Missional Misstep
Emphasizing the big gospel can make it hard to communicate any gospel.
3 Myths about Preaching Today
Why a new kind of preaching is needed for our post-Christian culture.
Is New Calvinism Really New Fundamentalism?
Is the rise of Calvinism among the young helping or hurting evangelicalism and the church's mission?
Tim Keller, David Fitch, and Justice
David Fitch pushes back on Tim Keller's recent statement about justice
Why You Shouldn't Have a Position on LGBTQs.
Taking a public stance on homosexuality does more missional harm than good.
Bi-vocational Ministry
In "Bi-Vocational Ministry," you'll find articles to help you explore the advantages and challenges of employing pastors that also work outside the church.
A Movement or a Fad?
Why we're worrying too much about Emergent, Organic, and Missional Church.
Is ‘Leadership’ Biblical?
Five reasons to say no.
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