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Is a Beer just a Beer?
Rethinking drinking.
Ganja Love
Pot's new legality lights up a pastoral dilemma.
My Small Group, Anonymous
Where nobody knows your (last) name.
The Church that Drinks Together
In our town, refusing to drink alcohol may be a bigger stumbling block than serving it.
The Spiritual Roots of Addiction
Seth Haines talks about his battle with alcoholism and how leaders can help addicts find freedom.
What Tommy Taught Me
Our church’s walk with a homeless man marked us indelibly.
Perry Noble, NewSpring Church and Our Obsession with Numbers
Our numbers obsession continues to leave victims in its wake. Now Perry Noble and the tens of thousands of members of NewSpring church are on the list of walking wounded.
Give People Dignity the World Has Taken Away
What an alcoholic pastor taught me about administering the presence of God.
Why Do Some Pastors Sabotage Their Own Ministries?
And how can they avoid the allure of the self-destruct button?
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