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Children's Ministry: Creating Life-Changing Mission Experiences for Kids
Whether it's international, national, or "the mission next door," this download will provide practical and effective ideas that can influence children and their parents today—and for years to come.
Helen Mitchell: Excellence as Evangelism
Our first form of evangelism is work.
Helping People Connect Faith and Work
These churches send out engineers, teachers, artists, and lawyers as missionaries to their cities.
Uniting a Violence-Plagued City in Prayer
Neither death threats nor tepid response discouraged two pastors from praying over every murder site in their city for years.
What Christians in the US Can Learn from Immigrant Pastors
For those who met Christ elsewhere, Americanized Christianity can look a bit strange.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Plan
How I’m learning to lead God’s people one basket of manna at a time.
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