Podcast Episode 3, 26 min
Can a Pastor Change the Culture of a Small Church? EP 003
This space is now a companion to my new podcast, "Can This Work In A Small Church?" Here's what it's all about.

A church’s culture is defined as “the unwritten set of rules that governs everything a church does.”

In a big church, the pastor and staff set the culture, but in a small church it’s set by the long-time regular members and attenders – even if they ...

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Podcast Episode 002, 1 hr
Making a Positive Impact on Social Media, with Doug Bursch, EP 002
Karl Vaters interviews Doug Bursch about his new book, Posting Peace.

Ep 002 Can This Work In A Small Church

Doug Bursch: Mediums actually change our messaging. They change how we communicate, what we communicate, who we are as people. The form of the medium actually is influencing us far more than we realize.

Karl Vaters: Hi, I'm Karl, and ...

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Podcast Episode 001, 39 min
Can A Small Church Be An Effective Church? (Podcast Transcript) EP 001
Can A Small Church Be An Effective Church? (Podcast Transcript) EP 001
Image: Logo created by Solomon Joy | Joyetic.com

Yes, small churches can be strong, healthy and effective. In this opening episode, Karl Vaters looks at the three main issues that must be in place in order for that to happen.

1. Realize you can be effective

2. Discover how small churches function differently from big churches ...

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Podcast Episode 0, 4 min
Introducing "Can This Work In A Small Church?" (Podcast Transcript)
This space is now a companion to my new podcast, "Can This Work In A Small Church?" Here's what it's all about.
Introducing "Can This Work In A Small Church?" (Podcast Transcript)
Image: Logo created by Solomon Joy | Joyetic.com

Today is a big day for the Pivot blog.

Until about a year ago this was my home for online blogging. Then a few things changed, not the least of which was a worldwide pandemic (you may have heard of it).

Mostly, though, there were adjustments in the way I’m doing ministry ...

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Church Leadership
11 Self-Care Steps For Leaders Who Are Barely Holding On
Motivation is hard. And comfort food feels so good. But it’s more important now than ever to stay healthy.
11 Self-Care Steps For Leaders Who Are Barely Holding On
Image: Patrick Hendry | Unsplash

Lately, it’s hard to remember what day it is.

Without the usual markers, one blends into the other in a confusing emotional haze.

My sleep is off, too. And with my sleep goes my ability to think and lead clearly.

You too? Yes, me too.

So how can we stay stable and sane in ...

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Christian Unity
If “We Don’t Go To Church, We Are The Church” Is True, Why Do I Miss Going So Much?
We haven’t ceased to be the church. We’ll never cease to be that. But I miss the gathering.
If “We Don’t Go To Church, We Are The Church” Is True, Why Do I Miss Going So Much?
Image: Joshua Earle | Unsplash

It’s been a month.

Four full Sundays of worship at home.

And with every week that goes by, I realize more than ever how much I miss it.

No, not the building. You can have the building.

Not even the event. You can have that, too.

I miss the people.

I miss gathering as the church.

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Innovative Ministry
Please Don’t Make “How Many Watched Online?” Our New Ministry Metric
While necessary right now and important in the future, we can't close our eyes to the downsides of online church.
Please Don’t Make “How Many Watched Online?” Our New Ministry Metric
Image: Lara Far | Unsplash

It’s a whole new ballgame.

In a matter of just a few weeks, churches all around the world have a new standard for measuring ministry success.

And I’m trying not to be cynical about it.

So here’s my best shot at a non-cynical (but certainly skeptical) take on this. ...

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