As 1974 drew to a close I put a question to myself: What would I say to the readers of CHRISTIANITY TODAY if this were not only my last editor’s note of this year but my last ever?

First, thank you for reading us, and especially for bearing with our finiteness. We do indeed now see through a glass darkly.

Second, we love you all in Christ and wish for you God’s best in the year to come. I say that particularly to those who have disagreed with us the most. We have tried to speak honestly but not in bad spirit, and we are always glad to get your reactions, pro or con.

Third I would say, look forward in hope, for the best is yet to come. The world situation is ominous; the problems are terrifying. No philosophy that man has devised and no system he has created will finally solve the world’s predicament and bring the peace and the justice for which we long. Only God can and will do that. So we wait in patience and with hope—for the King is coming!

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