
An Unpopular Topic
Marguerite Shuster explores what we have become as sinners.
Pictures of God's Love
Seeing Is Believing lays the theological foundation for imaginative prayer.
Redeeming Conflict
Boundaries Face to Face focuses on conversations for building the right walls.
Elephant in the Room
Messianic Jews seem to be an embarrassment in an otherwise thoughtful dialogue.
Learning from Our Kids
Fresh insights and conversational style makes Sacred Parenting ideal reading.
Man of Contradictions
Martin Luther was a God-obsessed seeker of certainty and assurance.
Mystery and Message
Must they compete?
Your God Is Too Small
An ironic skeptic scolds believers for domesticating the deity.
Thou Shalt Not Swap
The uses and abuses of copyright.
Amazing Sin, How Deep We're Bound
Finding the courage to trust in grace.
Crash-Helmet Christianity
Talking about the real Jesus is a dangerous thing.
Life Imitates Art
Unveiling is a commendable debut novel.
Shaping Up Flabby Finances
The basic money challenge is saying no.
Spotlight on Sexism
Exploring the rise of evangelical feminism.
The Language of Sin
Why Sin Matters says sin and grace are part of the same story.
The Missions of Business
What can happen when entrepreneurs think they are missionaries first.
'You Shall Not Worship Me This Way'
How even the worship of God can be idolatrous.
The Naked City
The story of the 1977 blackout in New York—the occasion of widespread looting and destruction—has some surprisingly timely lessons for America in 2004.
Shabbos, Sheitels, and Yarmulkes
A novel set in the world of Orthodox Judaism.
Celebrating Faith in Writing
A dispatch from Calvin College's biennial event.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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