Books: Interviews

Agents of Translation: Philip Eaton on 'Engaging the Culture, Changing the World'
Christian colleges should fluently speak the language of both the gospel and the surrounding culture.
Joy in the Midst of Terror
How Andrew White's Baghdad congregation brings God's love to a war-torn land.
Geek Theologian
Wired magazine founder Kevin Kelly talks to CT about the Amish, heaven, and why he doesn't own a smart phone.
Q & A: Bristol Palin on Abstinence after Levi
The daughter of the former governor of Alaska on sexuality, body image, and her "come to Jesus" moment.
Q&A: Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell
Why 'Erasing Hell' was his most difficult book, how 'Love Wins' prompted repentance, and whether 'Believe in Jesus or you'll go to hell' is good news.
Q & A: Tim Tebow on Faith, Fame, & Football
The NFL athlete reflects on his outspoken faith, whether athletes should attribute their wins to God, and moving from the Focus on the Family ad to Jockey ads.
Prison Partnership: Byron R. Johnson on Christian Criminal Justice
Church and state can join hands to prevent crime and reform criminals.
Christianizing the Social Network
Tim Challies looks at emerging technology through a theological lens.
Evangelism as Sacrament
Velcroed to a high-felt need: Jerry Root says evangelism is seeing how God is already working in someone's life.
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?
Our ability to live together in peace, argues theologian Miroslav Volf, depends on how we answer the question.
Pop Goes the Worship
Religion professor T. David Gordon says Muzak has shaped singing in church.
Q & A: Bobby Jindal on his Vision
Louisiana's governor talks about his conversion and policy priorities.
Q & A: Mike Huckabee on Faith, Social Issues, and a Possible Run
Huckabee speaks with CT on issues like immigration and the environment, the faith of politicians, and a possible presidential candidacy.
The Meaning of Business
Christians in the marketplace, says Jeff Van Duzer, are not second-class citizens of the kingdom.
Interview: Condoleezza Rice's Faith Context for Foreign Policy
How faith guided the former secretary of state's life from the segregated South to dictating the nation's foreign policy.
The Line Where Religions Collide
Journalist and poet Eliza Grizwold says we can learn a lot about Christianity by surveying the region where they have clashed for 200 years.
Tim Keller: What We Owe the Poor
The pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church says seeking justice is not optional for the person saved by grace.
The Amish's Spirituality for the Long Haul
What they can, and cannot, teach evangelicals.
Boost Your Cultural IQ
Soong-Chan Rah calls for the American church to understand itself.
Faithfully and Politically Present
How and why Michael Gerson believes Christians should not abandon the public square.

Top Story May 9, 2024

I Didn’t Want a Baby. I Wanted This Baby.
I Didn’t Want a Baby. I Wanted This Baby.
Mourning miscarriage means acknowledging the particular life that’s been lost.

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