Movies & TV

Is The Passion More Violent than Kill Bill?
"Debate over Mel Gibson's film takes a different turn while religious press critics look at the Kill Bill—Vol.1, Intolerable Cruelty, Mystic River, Good Boy! and House of the Dead"
"Film Forum: Big-Screen Women Wrestle with Injustice, Mortality, Family Dynamics, and Chainsaws"
Critics review Veronica Guerin, Pieces of April, My Life Without Me, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Runaway Jury. Plus: More on The DaVinci Code, Intolerable Cruelty, Luther, Good Boy!, Kill Bill—Vol. 1, Mystic River, The Gospel of John, the DVD release
Radio Gets Poor Reception
"Tolkien fans grab tickets to Trilogy Tuesday, and what religious critics are saying about Beyond Borders, Sister Helen, Scary Movie 3, horror movies, Brother Bear, other current releases."
Two Weddings and a Baptism
It's still impossible to predict what will advance the gospel in Hollywood
The Fighting Temptations
Hangman's Curse
Secondhand Lions
The Summer's Most Powerful Films? They're Documentaries
Capturing the Friedmans and Stevie document crime, punishment—and glimmers of grace. Plus: What critics say about Thirteen, Jeepers Creepers 2, The Battle of Shaker Heights, Open Range, American Splendor, The Legend of Johnny Lingo, The Medallion, and Di
The Christians Are Coming!
"Christian Frank Peretti hands in less-than-horrifying Hangman's Curse. In The Fighting Temptations and Matchstick Men, a choir director and a con artist clean up their acts, but Christian press critics are more impressed with Lost in Translation. Plus: Re"
Secondhand Lions Roars
"Religious press film critics applaud Secondhand Lions and Bonhoeffer, but criticize Underworld, Cold Creek Manor, and Anything Else. Plus, more on Thirteen, Lost in Translation, The Lion King, and The Fighting Temptations"
A high-caliber film shows how messy it was when Luther helped change the course of history
"Film Forum: Lions, Luther, and Living In This World"
"Director Tim McCanlies talks about Secondhand Lions. Plus: What Christian critics are saying about In This World, Luther, The Rundown, Duplex, Under the Tuscan Sun, American Splendor, The Gospel of John, and the Toronto and Vancouver film festivals"
The Gospel of John
A Wedding of Crass Jokes and Bad Filmmaking
"Critics try to forget American Wedding, Gigli, and Buffalo Soldiers. But Dirty Pretty Things wins applause as one of the summer's best films and Seabiscuit and Whale Rider get further examination. Plus: Debate about The Passion continues"
Critics Punish The Magdalene Sisters
"What critics in the religious press are saying about Freaky Friday, S.W.A.T., Le Divorce, war movies, Harry Potter, The Passion, and more"
Massive Blackout Saves a Few Moviegoers from Freddy vs. Jason
"Religious press critics say nobody wins in Freddy vs. Jason, and review Kevin Costner's western Open Range, The Secret Lives of Dentists, Uptown Girls, and Grind. Seattle Pacific University asks What's wrong with Hollywood? Plus: More on The Magdalene S"
American Splendor Finds Extra in the Ordinary
Critics celebrate American Splendor and applaud The Legend of Johnny Lingo but toss aside The Medallion and My Boss's Daughter. Plus: Another poor review for The Magdalene Sisters
Big Idea Loses Suit
Jury says creator of VeggieTales owes $11 million to ex-distributor
A Good Week for Zombies and Pirates
"Christian critics are pleased to sail with Pirates of the Caribbean and Sinbad, but not quite so happy with T3: Rise of the Machines. They also debate the merits of 28 Days Later, and the sequels to Legally Blonde and Charlie's Angels."
The League of Flat and Uninspired Gentlemen
"Critics look over The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and continue talking about Pirates of the Caribbean, Legally Blonde 2, T3: Rise of the Machines, and Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Plus: Filmmakers praise the community and challenges of Flickerin"

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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